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Alexandre Dumas von Schonwasser in Pensacola, Florida For Sale

Alexandre Dumas von Schonwasser
Price: $1,200
Type: Animals, For Sale - Private.

Price: $xxxx
Male whelped 2/18/xxxx. Dam is German import Fannie von der Haus Kirschental from the Kirschental Kennel in Germany (black/brown, 72 lbs); Sire is Camo vom Windmill II (black/red, 80 lbs), born in the U.S. from two German imports. Both parents available for viewing. Schonwasser Shepherds is dedicated to producing fine German Shepherds in the German tradition: intelligence, utility and beauty. Note: you may register this puppy from the "A" litter any name beginning with the letter A, and may call the puppy any name. "Alexandre Dumas" is denoted purely for identification purposes. PHOTO is puppy at three weeks of age!

State: Florida  City: Pensacola  Category: Animals
Animals in Florida for sale

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