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SUPER Pocket Size Puppies - Want a TINY PUPPY Then Look No More - I HAVE THEM %%%% % in Pensacola, Florida For Sale

Price: $3,000
Type: Animals, For Sale - Private.

Different breeds- Want an authentic teacup or pocket puppy? Are you picky then you must see my website When you come and see my puppies they are REALLY SMALL. I have gone to visit different places and when I get there I find LARGE PUPPIES. I have some of the most special and smallest puppies that you will see, period. You must visit because it's worth the drive and you can make it a fun day. I also have the largest dog boutique in south florida with luxury items for your pooch. You can find things from $5.00 to $xxxx.00 on accessories for your pooch. It's really a very nice place to visit - we can work with your budget. xxxx N Federal Highway Ft Lauderdale florida xxxx8

State: Florida  City: Pensacola  Category: Animals
Animals in Florida for sale

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